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Greetings my name is Ryan otherwise known as Ever_Valiant and I am a long time mod maker, indie developer, and graphics artist.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 348)
Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ The Second Tiberium War

I removed the slider as I had not yet implemented it.

Good karma+1 vote
Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ The Second Tiberium War

In addition to new maps I've added you also have access to the original Tiberian Sun maps with the Map List: Classic option. I do wish to add more larger maps to the project but have not go around to it yet.

The map editor does come with the mod, just look within the game files. To add to the current map list or your own, you need to add the correct entries to the MPmaps.ini file found within the INI folder. It's not too difficult to do that.

Good karma+2 votes
Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ The Second Tiberium War 2.93

Well I don't want to give away the strategy but what I'll say is the mission is broken up into two phases. You can always prepare before hand before you begin phase two when it becomes crunch time making it easier for yourself.

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Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ The Second Tiberium War

I'd be happy to answer your questions.

1. This may happen every once and awhile, the TS engine isn't a perfect one.
2. Right, the Vulcan turret is a new building entirely and doesn't interect with walls.
3. I've never experienced this issue, at least not in the newest version.
4. At the moment they cannot do that by double clicking, only by setting them on guard by pressing "G" will they repair on their own.
5. That is something all TS modders been wanting but at the moment we've been unable to implement.

The newest version of the mod (2.93) is your best bet for a smooth and bug-less experience.

Good karma+2 votes
Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ The Second Tiberium War

Thank you for your feedback, I do appreciate feedback to help with balancing and difficulty.

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Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ The Second Tiberium War

Yes just open the "TSTW/MIX/Scaled Infantry" folder and move eCache02.mix in with the other mix files.

Good karma+2 votes
Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ The Second Tiberium War 2.93

Thank you

Good karma+2 votes
Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ The Second Tiberium War

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed your play through of TSTW. I will take a look at these issues and I believe I can fix all of them.

Mission 5 - Easy fix
Mission 6 - Easy fix
Mission 10 - Yes I can make the AI "Search and destroy" if you choose to build in a different location.

As for the grammar that's a weakness of mine, I'll check out Grammarly :)

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Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ New Tiberium Trees

Yes I will be doing a blue tiberium tree.

Good karma+2 votes
Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ Khetana

It explains why in the description.

Good karma+1 vote
Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ Sheang

Thank you sir!

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Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ Kane

I fixed his overcoat, I didn't notice that lol.

Good karma+4 votes
Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ Khetana

She uses a high damage pulse weapon and is effective against all units and aircraft, she can also stealth and regenerate in Tiberium.

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Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ Khetana

You need to play the campaign and see what happens...

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Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ Joseph Shepard

You can create AI art using an image example to start with and then work from there, which is what I did.

Good karma+3 votes
Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ Outcast Covenant Unit Preview (Work in Progress)

Only the armadillo is 100% finished, the rest are just blocked in.

Good karma+1 vote
Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ The Second Tiberium War

That is correct.

Good karma+1 vote
Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ Icy Shores (2 Player)

Don't forget hover units.

Good karma+2 votes
Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ The Second Tiberium War

I'll take a look at it.

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Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ Lighting Enhancement - Temperate Preview

It's just a preview , the maps is not available.

Good karma+1 vote
Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ The Second Tiberium War

I do within the the C&C Mod Haven channel under TS Mods. I will send you an invite privately.

Good karma+2 votes
Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ Scarab

Sorry for the delayed response, I'm looking to use a bike for the new mutant faction.

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Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ The Second Tiberium War

It is included and works for me. The [TS] directory must be correct within FinalSun.ini



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Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ The Second Tiberium War 2.93

Yes I did not do anything concerning the last mission this last update. With version 3.0 there will be a lot of changes including some campaign mission to help include the new mutant faction.

Good karma+2 votes
Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ The Second Tiberium War 2.93

You don't need to install, just extract game to wherever you want and play with The Second Tiberium War.exe

Good karma+2 votes
Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ The Second Tiberium War

Thank you.

Good karma+1 vote
Ever_Valiant - - 348 comments @ The Second Tiberium War 2.93

Yes, for some reason in Tiberian Sun if I make a projectile fire in a direct straight line without an arc and the turret must first align to the target the first shot fires too soon and misses. I'll keep doing troubleshooting on this perhaps i can find a way to fix it. It's a bit funny though lol.

Good karma+3 votes